Immature stages of and ethological observations on the cleptoparasitic bee tribe Nomadini (Apoidea, Anthophoridae). American Museum novitates ; no. 2638
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"The mature larvae of the North American cleptoparasitic bees Melanomada sidaefloris (Cockerell), Triopasites penniger (Cockerell), and Paranomada velutina Linsley, and the pupae of M. sidaefloris, P. velutina, and Nomada species are described taxonomically. Cladistic analysis of the characteristics of these mature larvae demonstrates that Melanomada, Triopasites, Paranomada, and probably the South American Kelita are monophyletic and a sister group of the Ammobatini, Nomada Epeolini, Holcopasites, Neopasites, and Neolarra. Hitherto unreported host associations of various species of nomadine parasitic bees are as follows (host in parentheses): M. sidaefloris (Exomalopsis near chlorina Cockerell), T. penniger (Exomalopsis compactula Cockerell), P. velutina (Exomalopsis solani Cockerell), the South American Brachynomada near argentina Holmberg (Psaenythia annulata (Gerstaecker)). Biological data concerning egg deposition, larval habits, search behavior of adults, and other features are given concerning these parasitic taxa. In general the biological information conforms to what is known of other Nomadinae. Triopasites pasitura (Cockerell, 1935) is synonymized with T. penniger (Cockerell, 1894)"--P. [1].
Includes bibliographical references (p. 15-16).