Discovery of the male of Parabuthus muelleri, and implications for the phylogeny of Parabuthus (Scorpiones, Buthidae). American Museum novitates ; no. 3408
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The male of Parabuthus muelleri Prendini, 2000 is described, based on a specimen discovered in the Alexis Harington Scorpion Collection (recently acquired by the American Museum of Natural History). This is only the third known specimen of P. muelleri. The holotype and paratype are both female. The male presents several character states, including the lobate condition of the pectinal proximal median lamella and pedipalp chelae that are not incrassate, that are uncommon in male Parabuthus Pocock, 1890. These character states, previously scored with missing entries in a cladistic character matrix for Parabuthus species, are now added and a reanalysis of Parabuthus phylogeny, resulting in new insights about the phylogenetic position of P. muelleri, is presented. Lectotypes are designated for four northeastern African species of Parabuthus.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 17-19).