The Phenacolemuridae, new family of early primates. Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 105, article 5

dc.contributor.authorSimpson, George Gaylord, 1902-en_US
dc.descriptionp. 415-441, [6] p. of plates : ill. ; 27 cm.en_US
dc.descriptionIncludes bibliographical references (p. 440-441).en_US
dc.description.abstract"The Tiffanian through Wasatchian North American genus Phenacolemur represents a highly distinctive group here defined as a family: Phenacolemuridae. The Torrejonian genus Paromomys, although more primitive than Phenacolemur, foreshadows most of its peculiarities and is tentatively placed in the same family. The likewise Torrejonian Palaechthon, although less like Phenacolemur, seems to be related to Paromomys and is still more tentatively referred to the family. Palenochtha and Plesiolestes may possibly also belong in this general group, but are not now referred to it. Phenacolemur, as now known, includes four species: Tiffanian P. frugivorus and P. pagei and Wasatchian P. praecox and P. jepseni. Phenacolemur praecox is heterogeneous, but included taxa cannot be sharply distinguished by available samples. There is some suggestion of distinguishable early populations of larger and later of smaller individuals in the Willwood formation, and these are tentatively redefined as subspecies. There is no evident progressive tendency among the species of Phenacolemur. They represent non-progressive deployment within an early established and specialized generic pattern. The generic pattern of the dentition is characterized especially by a nipping pair of incisors, reduction of other teeth anterior to P[superscript 4][subscript 4], retention and enlargement of P[superscript 4][subscript 4], short, transversely quadrate molar trigonids, great development of a third lobe on M[subscript 3], and development of a talon basin but no hypoconid on M[superscript 1-3]. The Phenacolemuridae represent a sharply distinct special group or line, extinct without issue, and with eclectic resemblances suggesting origin from the same unspecialized ancestry as the Omomyinae, Notharctinae, Plesiadapidae, Necrolemuridae, and others. On this basis, the Phenacolemuridae are considered Primates and Prosimii. The advisability or, indeed, possibility of dividing Paleocene-Eocene Prosimii into Tarsiiformes (or Tarsioidea) and Lemuriformes (or Lemuroidea) is strongly questioned. The Phenacolemuridae are considered one of many divergent, extinct early families that do not properly belong in either of those later Cenozoic groups"--P. 440.en_US
dc.format.extent8488761 bytes
dc.publisherNew York : [American Museum of Natural History]en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBulletin of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 105, article 5en_US
dc.subject.lcshPrimates, Fossil -- Rocky Mountains Region.en_US
dc.subject.lcshMammals, Fossil -- Rocky Mountains Region.en_US
dc.subject.lcshPaleontology -- Paleogene -- Rocky Mountains Region.en_US
dc.subject.lcshPaleontology -- Rocky Mountains Region.en_US
dc.titleThe Phenacolemuridae, new family of early primates. Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 105, article 5en_US


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