Metamorphism in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 123, article 4
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"The Southern Alps of New Zealand are a mountain range that forms the backbone of the South Island of New Zealand. The range extends in a northeast to southwest direction from about latitude 42 S. to latitude 45 S. and is continued both north and south by subsidiary ranges; it is bounded on the west by the Alpine Fault. Most of the rocks are graywackes and argillites and their metamorphosed equivalents. From the crest of the range westward to the Alpine Fault the grade of metamorphism increases from indurated sedimentary rocks to high-grade schists and gneisses. Four zones of progressive metamorphism are recognized: the Chlorite, Biotite, Almandine, and Oligoclase zones. The mineralogy and petrology of these zones are described and illustrated by analyses of their rocks and their constituent minerals. The sediments were deposited in a geosyncline in Triassic (and possible Permian and Jurassic) times. An early Cretaceous orogeny resulted in intense folding, followed by regional metamorphism. Erosion reduced the region to a low level by the end of the Cretaceous, and much of it was subjected to a marine transgression in early Tertiary times. Renewed uplift began in the Miocene and reached its peak in strong vertical movements on the Alpine Fault at the end of the Tertiary period"--P. 217.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 245-247).