Studies on amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia). 6, The genera Monopeltis and Dalophia in southern Africa. Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 157, article 5
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"The present study reviews all material of the genera Monopeltis and Dalophia from south of the river Zaire. The name Dalophia is resurrected and Tomuropeltis returned to synonymy. The taxa recognized are: M. anchietae (including quadriscutata, okavangensis, devisi), leonhardi (including vernayi), c. capensis (including decosteri), c. rhodesianus new subspecies, zambezensis, s. sphenorhynchus (including habenichti, gazei), s. mauricei new combination (including ocularis), kabindae, perplexus, remaclei, adercae, scalper (including gerardi, bulsi), vanderysti (including lujae, vilhenai, closei), luandae; D. welwitschii, angolensis, ellenbergeri, gigantea (including truncata), longicauda, pistillum (including granti, colobura, jallae, transvaalensis, mossambica, kuanyamarum), luluae new combination. Geographic variation is mapped for widely ranging forms and ontogenetic changes in cephalic keratinization are documented. The review is based on some 1500 specimens, many of them collected as part of the project. All extant types have been reexamined. The present paper also summarizes ecological information gained from collectors, and miscellaneous biological data scattered throughout the literature, and includes an analysis of stomach contents for those species well represented in the Umtali collection"--P. 315.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 477-482).