How do velocity structure functions trace gas dynamics in simulated molecular clouds?
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In Chira et al. (subm.), we investigate the time evolution of gas dynamics within simulated molecular clouds, as well as how velocity structure functions trace the dominating driving sources of turbulence. The molecular clouds are formed self-consistently within kiloparsec-scale numerical simulations of the interstellar medium that include self-gravity, magnetic fields, supernovae- driven turbulence, and radiative heating and cooling. Here, we provide the underlying data for the analysis and plots presented in the paper submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics. The simulations are run using an implementation of the Flash code. We present data for each of the, in total, 160 timesteps in HDF5 format, the final velocity structure functions as functions of lag and time. Note that due to technical problems we are currently able to offer the raw data for those simulations that resolve the local Jeans length with 4 cells only. We will upload the higher Jeans-resolved data as soon as possible.