The olive ibis of Dubus and its representative on São Thomé. American Museum novitates ; no.84
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"Lampribis rara is so distinct a species as to require no comment in the present paper. The remaining forms comprised in the genus are so closely allied that whether they are treated binomially or not depends largely upon the point of view. From the few specimens available- it is rare to find more than two in a museum- intergradation seems not at all complete. No doubt exists as to their making up a very compact group or 'Formenkreis.' In point of size, L. bocagei and L. akeleyorum are the opposite extremes of the series, and the other relations will be evident from my diagrams in Fig. 4. The first of these illustrates length of bill in adults, as measured from rear of nostril; the second, wing-length. L. rothschildi differs little in size from olivacea but has good color characters, in which it resembles the dwarfed bocagei. L. splendida is to be regarded as a synonym of olivacea, and cupreipennis as its representative race in Lower Guinea. Further comparisons, especially of the specimens now in Leyden and in Brussels, would be advisable. L. akeleyorum, of which one additional specimen has been collected by W.N. van Someren on Mt. Kenia, may be mentioned as the fourth species. The isolating factors which have facilitated the development of so many forms are easily discerned. Whereas the island species are kept apart by many miles of salt water, the three continental forms are prevented from intermingling by considerable stretches of grasslands now intervening between the forest areas they inhabit"--P. 6-7.
Includes bibliographical references.