[Austin Rand's journal, 3rd Archbold Expedition to New Guinea] July 6, 1938 to May 5, 1939 / Austin L. Rand.
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Journal primarily deals with organization of expedition, including communication between camps, delivery of supplies, movement of the parties and the daily activities of himself, other participants and expedition workers, including collecting work. In August the entries begin to deal more specifically with species information and observations. Also includes some passages with very detailed movement logs for excursions, including the search for a campsite for Mt. Wilhelmina (Mount Trikora). Other localities cited include Hollandia (Jayapura), Bernhard Camp, Lake Habbema, the Idenburg (Taritatu) and Waruma Rivers. Details are given of a shipment of specimen cases to the Museum. Last five pages are numbered carbon copies of the "Summary of activities of inland collecting party." Austin Loomer Rand (1905-1982) was a Canadian ornithologist. His association with the American Museum of Natural History began with the Mission zoologique franco-anglo-américaine à Madagascar, the results of which would form his Ph.D. thesis. He also met life-long friend and collaborator Richard Archbold at this time and would continue to participate in and co-lead the first three Archbold Expeditions to New Guinea. He would also help Archbold develop the Archbold Biological Station in Florida and would ultimately retire there. The majority of his professional career was spent in curatorial capacities at the Ornithology department of the Field Museum in Chicago.