A revision of the Nacophorini from cool and cold temperate southern South America (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 145, article 4

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New York : [American Museum of Natural History]




"The tribe Nacophorini, of the subfamily Ennominae, from the cool and cold temperate region of southern America is revised in the present study. Most of the species occur in the southern Andes Mountains, with nearly all of them occurring in Chile and Argentina. As this group of the Nacophorini differs in some respects from the typical section of the tribe (revised by Rindge, 1961), the two groups are compared, and the present one is defined. In the typical group it was relatively easy to discern phylogenetic trends in a number of adult characters. However, in the group covered herein, this could not be done as the characters seem to form a mosaic, with no really clear-cut pattern of primitive or advanced forms. This is probably due to the presumed relatively recent origin of these moths in a highly varied montane region. Nevertheless, I have tried to arrange the genera in a sequence that is believed to go from the more primitive to the more highly evolved. Seven genera are included in this revision; two of them were originally placed in families other than the Geometridae, namely the Noctuidae and Notodontidae. Three of the seven genera are described as new. A total of 43 species are included; 22 are described as new, plus one heretofore undescribed subspecies. All the genera and nearly all the species are either described or redescribed; comparative notes are given for those taxa that were not personally examined. Distributional information is given for all species insofar as known. Keys are given for all genera and species. The adults and their genitalia are figured for all species and subspecies studied by the author"--P. 389.


p. 307-392 : ill. ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 390-391) and index.

