Azabbaremys, a new side-necked turtle (Pelomedusoides, Bothremydidae) from the Paleocene of Mali. American Museum novitates ; no. 3320
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The Paleocene Teberemt Formation in eastern Mali has yielded the skull of a new genus of side-necked turtle, Azabbaremys moragjonesi, new genus and species. Azabbaremys is a pelomedusoid pleurodire belonging to the family Bothremydidae Baur, 1891, based on these characters: (1) precolumellar fossa absent, (2) occipital condyle consisting only of exoccipitals, (3) foramen stapedio-temporale not visible in dorsal view and very close to foramen nervi trigemini, (4) eustachian tube and stapes separated by bone, (5) incisura columellae auris closed, and (6) exoccipital contacts quadrate. Within the Bothremydidae, Azabbaremys is best resolved as a member of the group containing Taphrosphys, Nigeremys, and Arenila because it has a dorsally arched palate and an open postorbital wall.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 15-16).