[Stomach contents specimen collection sheets] [1922-1923]
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5 folded pages of specimen collection data on United States Department of Agriculture 'Stomach blank' sheets. Information includes the name of the bird, date, location, sex, type, and remarks on the collection of the specimen. Also includes 5 page 'Memorandum on the R. H. Beck collection of Oceanic Birds' Stomachs," which lists the specimen number and name as well as remarks on the contents of the stomachs. Locations primarily in the Tuamotu Archipelago. Beck was the leader of field research for the first eight years of the Whitney South Seas Expedition. During Beck's lifetime, he was considered the foremost collector in the field and was renowned for his ability to quickly prepare well-made studyskins of birds. He was a leader on the AMNH Brewster-Sanford Expedition (1912-1917) before joining Whitney South Seas Expedition.