Shanti Nagar : the effects of urbanization in a village in north India. 2, Aspects of economy, technology, and ecology. Anthropological papers of the AMNH ; v. 55, pt. 1
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In the year 1958-1959, Shanti Nagar was a north Indian village characterized by a generally traditional economy and technology at the beginning of intensive modernization. Modern influences impinged upon its people in the form of legislation and governmental programs that were designed to change, even revolutionize, village life from economic, technological, and social viewpoints. The vocational, educational, and recreational opportunities afforded by Delhi, a city then experiencing rapid modernization and westernization, were influences equally as effective as the developmental programs promulgated by the Government of India. The village was not overwhelmed by either governmental or urban influences. A well-integrated social unit, its people possessed the capacity to adopt selectively those innovations they believed to be useful and to reject others they perceived as risky or dangerous. The conjunction of various traditional and modern influences in Shanti Nagar resulted in a predominantly agricultural economy but a significant proportion of income was derived from salaries in modern urban occupations. It was clear that considerable potential for further economic and technological change existed in two principal areas. The Green Revolution would, in all probability, change village agriculture and, temporarily at least, could result in a reduced concern to obtain income from urban employment, especially on the part of the large landowners. With the passage of time, however, the future economic well-being of the villagers probably will increasingly depend on training the young people for modern careers in government, business, and industry"--P. 7.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-148) and index.